31/12 Getting ready for New Years’ Eve

The BOX Village participants welcome 2013 in very special ways! The next posts will tell you everything about it!

We started by making an activity in which we said goodbye to 2012 by remembering it’s most special and happy moments! Then, we started to look into the future and into the new year by making a New Year Resolutions list and by preparing our own wishes for the year to come.

Then, we told everyone about the Brazilian traditions for New Year’s Eve. A very common one is to wear white, because we think that it is the color of peace, and by wearing it on the very first moments of 2013, we are wishing for a lot of peace for that year!

So, all the kids went to get ready! Here are the results 🙂 We are very happy and very positive about 2013, because with all this amazing kids wearing white and wishing for a peaceful New Year, we will surely have a great great one!

(Norway’s coming!!)

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