05/01 Activities and Leader’s Night Out

Our activity 1 today was a race between teams! We had adults hiding around the camp site and each one of them had a secret color. Each team had to find the adults and achieve a task before knowing what that base’s color was… The catch here is that each kid’s team had a diferente order of colors to follow, and the leaders would only give them their stamp of achievement if they were the next color on the groups list! The fun tasks and the great feeling of conquering colors and stamps made it a great morning!

During our free time, we all danced a lot to diferente kinds of music. Great fun!

On activity 2, we got to know a little bit more about every countrie’s stereotype descriptions. All the delegations had a big paper of their own and it was passed around through everyone. In the end, they got their paper back and were able to reflect about the true or false stereotypes that all the others had said about them.

At night, the leaders, JCs and staff left the camp for our Leader’s Night Out! But while we were having fun away from camp, the kids were also having a blast here with the special night angels that came to keep them enterteined. They watched a movie, had a chocolate race and even a pool party! Perfect day for everyone!

07/01 Excursion – Projeto Tamar

Our first excursion has all to do with CISV’s theme this year, Sustainable Development. We went to Ubatuba, a city in the north of São Paulo’s state shoreline. There, we went to Projeto Tamar, and NGO which looks after the species of turtles who are endangered of extinction. There, they provide those animals with a safe place to heal, reproduce and grow, until they are able to go back to nature.

We took part in a tour that told us all about the turtles there, their names, natural habitats, habits and problems. After that, we could all watch videos about the turtles and the challenges faced by Projeto Tamar, such as illegal traffic and turtle pets being kept in bad conditions. A fun parto f the tour was the feeding! In the hot weather, the turtles got “fish ice cream” – pieces of fish and squid frozen inside a bucked of water.

Then, our excursion continued to… the beach! We all got off the bus and enjoyed the sun and the sand for a while. We could play, run and have a great time.

After getting back home, we had a surprise right before lullabies… The creature who stole the BOX sent us an e-mail!! It said that if we wanted the BOX back, we would have to work hard… But of course we will! We are, from now on, a big and united group, looking together for the secret to make the world better! Go BOX Village!!!

04/01 Peru’s National Night

Tonight we had Peru’s National Night presentations. When we woke up, the dinning hall was already all decorated with beautiful pictures from Peru and it’s national colors! Before one the activities, the Peruvian girls started to share a little bit of their home with us by doing the Llama energizer.

For snack, Peru had also prepared a very special piece of their country for everyone. We ate “papa a la huanca’ina” (lettuce, potatoes, boiled eggs, black olives and a special sauce), “turr’on” (a “cake” which’s special ingrediente is honey) and “chich morada” (a drink made by sweet purple corn).

After showing us beautiful vídeos about Peru’s prettiest landscapes and culture, the Peruvian girls danced “Le dije a Papa”, “Anaconda”, “Saya” and “Que linda flor”. After the presentations were over, they taught us how to dance to their home’s happy and energetic songs! Big success! The special touch of Peru’s presentations were their costumes: following our theme in CISV this year (sustainable development), all the girls costumes were handmade by recicled material! Great idea and iniciative!

When asked which part of her National Night she enjoyed the most, Mariel said: “Just everything!”. It’s safe to say that she speaks for all of us! Thanks Peru!!