05/01 Activities and Leader’s Night Out

Our activity 1 today was a race between teams! We had adults hiding around the camp site and each one of them had a secret color. Each team had to find the adults and achieve a task before knowing what that base’s color was… The catch here is that each kid’s team had a diferente order of colors to follow, and the leaders would only give them their stamp of achievement if they were the next color on the groups list! The fun tasks and the great feeling of conquering colors and stamps made it a great morning!

During our free time, we all danced a lot to diferente kinds of music. Great fun!

On activity 2, we got to know a little bit more about every countrie’s stereotype descriptions. All the delegations had a big paper of their own and it was passed around through everyone. In the end, they got their paper back and were able to reflect about the true or false stereotypes that all the others had said about them.

At night, the leaders, JCs and staff left the camp for our Leader’s Night Out! But while we were having fun away from camp, the kids were also having a blast here with the special night angels that came to keep them enterteined. They watched a movie, had a chocolate race and even a pool party! Perfect day for everyone!

One thought on “05/01 Activities and Leader’s Night Out

  1. Parabéns para todo o Staff pelo trabalho e dedicação: o BOX Village Camp parece estar indo muito bem, pelas fotos a alegria e a brincadeira transparecem e o bom humor nos contagia!!!!

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