19/01 JC Day and Talent Show!!

JC Day was crazy and fun!! The JCs showed us how a typical day in JCLand is: everything is backwards!

So… We woke up and went straight to flag down, saying goodnight to everyone. Then, we went to dinner and after that, we had lullabies. Activity 3 followed: we had water games such as the balloon + sheets race, the submarine and a water ballon war. It was so much fun! We then had pool time and lunch: it was a delicious barbecue!

Activity 2 was a stations game: each team had to walk around campsite, find the stations and accomplish the mission assigned to them in each one. If they did, they got the bases signature and could move on! But… There was a catch! The JCs were also walking around the campsite, dressed in black, and they were… cannibals! If the groups were walking around NOT holding hands, the cannibals could surprise them and take away aaall of their signatures, so that they would have to start aaall over again…

Each station showed the kids a little bit about JCLand, such as costumes, language, National Holidays, National Food, Daily Schedule, National Fauna and Flora, National Dance and so on… The kids had a great time getting to know a little bit about  their JCs country and became experts in JCLand!

Activity 1 came right after breakfast: it was our Talent Show!!! Almost all the kids prepared something very special to us and we enjoyed so much each one of the presentations. We had five special judges, a host and lots of great artists! The Talent Show reflected the creativity, fun atmosphere and thinking outside the box in our B.O.X Village! Complete success! Thanks so much to everyone!

Then, we finally had our flag up, wishing everyone a good morning, and went to bed… Awesome! Thanks JCs!

Besides aaaall of that, our JCs also showed us what they did on their Day Off… They went to Jacareí, a city very close to camp, and looked A LOT for the BOX… Unfortunately, they didn’t find it… Here’s the video of their search:

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