24/01 Last Day… :(

Today was the last day of camp 😦 😦 😦

In the morning all the delegations started to get ready to leave camp, packing up al  the suitcases and bags, cleaning everywhere and enjoying our last moments in camp.

In order to conclude our amazing experience, each participant had a booklet in which everybody could write a short message to say good bye and thank you.

Also in the conclusion of our amazing month together, we had the “candle ceremony” : all the participants, leaders, JC’s and staff gathered in a circle and each one of us had the opportunity to light a candle and say something special to all the rest. We decided that the last night we wanted to stay all toghether so we gathered all the matresses and slept all toghether in the lullabies room.

We all were sad that camp is over, but we are all so happy to have met eachother and have spent an amazing month together. Thank you for each and everyone of you for everything you brought to camp. We are sure we will always keep this experience in our minds and in our hearts and take with us everything we learnt. As you all know, this is only the beggining… See you all soon!!!

2 thoughts on “24/01 Last Day… :(

  1. Thank You so much for giving Isak the time of is life!!! The job You have done during This camp is amazing. Isak tells good things about everyone. And ofcourse We have heard about Clara the JC… Isak will remember You all for ever. Thank You!

    Kathrine, Isak from Norways mum

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