23/01 The B.O.X’s Secret Revelation!!

Of all the special nights we have had in camp so far, no one was as thrilling as tonight… It all started with the e-mail we received some days ago from Goozprabba Master saying that he was willing to negociate with us and was going to get the BOX in the Amazon forest, where he had hidden it. After that, he would come to the camp to talk to us….

23/01, 19:58

During dinner, Rick, our camp director, received a phone call from Goozprabba Master himself, saying that… he was almost in camp!! We then had the idea to turn on the computer with the security cameras from the camp site and we watched… At exactly 20:03, something appeared in the screen…


Everyone gathered as a group and we went upstairs to the gate, to finally get the BOX! Meanwhile, we sang the CISV song to show to Goozppraba Master that we are the right people to get the BOX. When we got there, we opened the gate and… took the BOX!!!! We all went to the dinning hall to open it…


Once in the dinning hall, we finally opened it… And inside… There was… A note! But in it, it said that that box was not the right one… 😦 And that the real one was with him… On the top of the girl’s room!!!!!


Everyone stood up and looked outside and on the top of the girl’s room… Was Goozprabba Master himself!! Holding the green BOX! We all went outside and, with the help of a microphone, talked to him. We told him about our commitments and how we really wanted to know what was inside the BOX, that we would use it very well and pass it on. He then replied, saying that it was him to gave us the BOX and also took it from us because he didn’t think we were ready… And that know, seeing how many things we had accomplished together, he thought we were ready to finally know the secret to make the world better. So, one of the staff went up to him and got the BOX!!

And in our last night together, all participants finally found out the secret to make the world better!! But, of course, we will not tell you what it is! Your kids can do it so much better… All we have to say is that we are very happy that the BOX arrived and was shown to this incredibile group of kids who we are sure will do a great job in using the secret and passing it on.

We are very proud of you, B.O.X Village! Amazing job everyone!

The B.O.X.’s Secret Revelation!

22/01 Camp Highlights + Gala Night

Today the leaders and JCs decided to plan a fun day for everyone! So we chose the most popular activities during camp and some water and running games were played again. Today was also the Gala Night!

During delegation time, the adults decorated the camp site for the special ocasion and we even had a beauty saloon for the kids to get ready for our party.

At dinner time, each table had it’s guests name written in special cards and the adults worked as waiters and waitresses, taking the kid’s orders and serving them at their tables. Everyone enjoyed a lot the dress up atmosphere and had a lot of fun!

After dinner, the kids were welcomed into the Gala Night activities! We had The Amazing Snail Race, a Fortune Teller, a Best Friend’s Chapel, a PhotoBooth, the B.O.X Bar, Arm Wrestling, Poker, Black Jack, Bag of Surprises, a dance floor… Everyone had an amazing time!!

21/01 Handicap Day

Today we had a very special activity, which made everyone feel and think about an essencial topic: the disabilities and special needs of others. During two activities and one meal, all the kids were given one of this disabilities: blind, mute, no use of fingers or feet tied together. Some of the leaders also had one of those or also deafness. The kids had to cooperate among themselves and decide who would help who, how they would do that, which abilities they had to offer to others and which disabilities they needed help with.

While being handicapped, they had to do activities in which these abilities were put to test and the cooperation and team work among the kids too. They did very well and were able to complete the tasks even with all the obstacles. In the end of the day, we had a debriefing which made everyone think about the importance of the disabilities topic and related how each kid felt to how everyone should see and interact with this in real life situations.

24/01 Last Day… :(

Today was the last day of camp 😦 😦 😦

In the morning all the delegations started to get ready to leave camp, packing up al  the suitcases and bags, cleaning everywhere and enjoying our last moments in camp.

In order to conclude our amazing experience, each participant had a booklet in which everybody could write a short message to say good bye and thank you.

Also in the conclusion of our amazing month together, we had the “candle ceremony” : all the participants, leaders, JC’s and staff gathered in a circle and each one of us had the opportunity to light a candle and say something special to all the rest. We decided that the last night we wanted to stay all toghether so we gathered all the matresses and slept all toghether in the lullabies room.

We all were sad that camp is over, but we are all so happy to have met eachother and have spent an amazing month together. Thank you for each and everyone of you for everything you brought to camp. We are sure we will always keep this experience in our minds and in our hearts and take with us everything we learnt. As you all know, this is only the beggining… See you all soon!!!

22/01 Commitments

The Goozprabba Master sent us an e-mail a few days ago saying that he was willing to give us the BOX as long as we made a commitment letter to show him that: 1) we really reaaally want to see what’s inside the BOX; 2) that we will make a good use of whatever is inside and that 3) we will pass it on to everyone we can.

Of course we all agree with all of that!! So, Mister Goozprabba Master, here are our commitments!! Get in touch with us! WE ARE READY!

19/01 JC Day and Talent Show!!

JC Day was crazy and fun!! The JCs showed us how a typical day in JCLand is: everything is backwards!

So… We woke up and went straight to flag down, saying goodnight to everyone. Then, we went to dinner and after that, we had lullabies. Activity 3 followed: we had water games such as the balloon + sheets race, the submarine and a water ballon war. It was so much fun! We then had pool time and lunch: it was a delicious barbecue!

Activity 2 was a stations game: each team had to walk around campsite, find the stations and accomplish the mission assigned to them in each one. If they did, they got the bases signature and could move on! But… There was a catch! The JCs were also walking around the campsite, dressed in black, and they were… cannibals! If the groups were walking around NOT holding hands, the cannibals could surprise them and take away aaall of their signatures, so that they would have to start aaall over again…

Each station showed the kids a little bit about JCLand, such as costumes, language, National Holidays, National Food, Daily Schedule, National Fauna and Flora, National Dance and so on… The kids had a great time getting to know a little bit about  their JCs country and became experts in JCLand!

Activity 1 came right after breakfast: it was our Talent Show!!! Almost all the kids prepared something very special to us and we enjoyed so much each one of the presentations. We had five special judges, a host and lots of great artists! The Talent Show reflected the creativity, fun atmosphere and thinking outside the box in our B.O.X Village! Complete success! Thanks so much to everyone!

Then, we finally had our flag up, wishing everyone a good morning, and went to bed… Awesome! Thanks JCs!

Besides aaaall of that, our JCs also showed us what they did on their Day Off… They went to Jacareí, a city very close to camp, and looked A LOT for the BOX… Unfortunately, they didn’t find it… Here’s the video of their search:

20/01 Open Day!

The B.O.X Village Open Day was a complete success!!! We welcome more than 200 people into our camp and each country had the chance to prepare a stand with their typical foods, decorations, costumes and objects! Besides that, each delegation prepared a three minutes presentation/dance/performance about themselves and their homes.

Later on, we all taught the visitants some cool energizers such as “The Pony Song”and “Chacraucra” and everyone joined! After that, it was time for our camp pictures: we look amazing together! We also showed everyone around our camp site, so that they could see how and where we live for this month 🙂

Well done B.O.X Villagers! It’s sure to say everyone is very proud of our camp!

15/01 Cinderella Story

Today’s afternoon activity was a lot of fun! First, the leaders presented a skit they had prepared, telling us a very famous story: Cinderella! It was pretty funny, our crazy leaders did a great job. But it were the kids’ who actually stole the scene… Their job was to take that same story and come up with a play for it. Except… That each group had a surprise theme as a twist! So we hope you enjoy the pictures just as much as we enjoyed each presentation!


Musical Cinderella

Rap Cinderella

Backwards Cinderella

Alien Cinderella

Anime Cinderella

Switched gender Cinderella

14/01 Back to Camp!

On monday morning, the kids arrived back at camp from their home stays! We are glad everyone had a great time and also want to THANK all of the host families for taking in our kids and making them feel at home.

The end of the second home stay means that we are already half way through camp! Which means we’ll have to enjoy the next two weeks to the fullest and make sure our B.O.X Village is the best ever!

05/01 Activities and Leader’s Night Out

Our activity 1 today was a race between teams! We had adults hiding around the camp site and each one of them had a secret color. Each team had to find the adults and achieve a task before knowing what that base’s color was… The catch here is that each kid’s team had a diferente order of colors to follow, and the leaders would only give them their stamp of achievement if they were the next color on the groups list! The fun tasks and the great feeling of conquering colors and stamps made it a great morning!

During our free time, we all danced a lot to diferente kinds of music. Great fun!

On activity 2, we got to know a little bit more about every countrie’s stereotype descriptions. All the delegations had a big paper of their own and it was passed around through everyone. In the end, they got their paper back and were able to reflect about the true or false stereotypes that all the others had said about them.

At night, the leaders, JCs and staff left the camp for our Leader’s Night Out! But while we were having fun away from camp, the kids were also having a blast here with the special night angels that came to keep them enterteined. They watched a movie, had a chocolate race and even a pool party! Perfect day for everyone!