21/01 Brazil’s National Night

The last national night in camp was the Brazilan National Night! We watched a lot of videos about Brazil and it’s variety of cultures among the country. Each one of the Brazilian delegates dressed up as a different personality from the Brazilian culture and exibhited a typical dance. After each presentation, we were taught how to dance them and we even experienced how a “bloco” of carnival would be like! It was very energetic and fun!

As a snack we had “brigadeiro”, “paçoquinhas” and other typical delicious Brazilian treats. We also received their scrapbook, souveniers and had a good time dancing all together to Brazilan tunes!

17/01 USA’s National Night

This time the pictures are from USA’s National Night activities!

The theme for the event was Halloween! Along the day participants played various typical games from this holiday, such as trick or treat,  grabbing an apple from a bucket full of water and carving pumpkins!

Later at night we watched some videos about Michigan and Detroit and learned how to dance “The Hustle”. Everyone joined and had great fun!

We also received the scrapbooks and had the opportunity to taste some typical american candies and a very special treat: rice crispies!

It was delicious! Thank you USA!


18/01 Germany’s National Night

In German’s National Night, we got to taste a very special potato and vegetables soup that the delegation prepared for us, along with a tipica bread, it was delicious! For desert, we all got German candies. While we enjoyed our treats, the Germans showed us a presentation with information, fun facts and pictures about their country and city.

Later on, we all got to watch the “Clap Dance”, the classic dance from Hamburg. Everyone was dressed in the fisherman’s costume, which can still be found in the tradicional ports of Hamburg. To shake things up a little bit, after the tradicional dance, the delegation danced a modern rap German song with a fun coreography! The best thing was that, after their presentations,everyone made groups and learnt the Clap Dance!

Then we got their scrapbooks and souveniers!

We had great fun… Thanks so much Germany!


19/01 JC Day and Talent Show!!

JC Day was crazy and fun!! The JCs showed us how a typical day in JCLand is: everything is backwards!

So… We woke up and went straight to flag down, saying goodnight to everyone. Then, we went to dinner and after that, we had lullabies. Activity 3 followed: we had water games such as the balloon + sheets race, the submarine and a water ballon war. It was so much fun! We then had pool time and lunch: it was a delicious barbecue!

Activity 2 was a stations game: each team had to walk around campsite, find the stations and accomplish the mission assigned to them in each one. If they did, they got the bases signature and could move on! But… There was a catch! The JCs were also walking around the campsite, dressed in black, and they were… cannibals! If the groups were walking around NOT holding hands, the cannibals could surprise them and take away aaall of their signatures, so that they would have to start aaall over again…

Each station showed the kids a little bit about JCLand, such as costumes, language, National Holidays, National Food, Daily Schedule, National Fauna and Flora, National Dance and so on… The kids had a great time getting to know a little bit about  their JCs country and became experts in JCLand!

Activity 1 came right after breakfast: it was our Talent Show!!! Almost all the kids prepared something very special to us and we enjoyed so much each one of the presentations. We had five special judges, a host and lots of great artists! The Talent Show reflected the creativity, fun atmosphere and thinking outside the box in our B.O.X Village! Complete success! Thanks so much to everyone!

Then, we finally had our flag up, wishing everyone a good morning, and went to bed… Awesome! Thanks JCs!

Besides aaaall of that, our JCs also showed us what they did on their Day Off… They went to Jacareí, a city very close to camp, and looked A LOT for the BOX… Unfortunately, they didn’t find it… Here’s the video of their search:

16/01 Italy’s National Night

Italy prepared a whole day of activities for us! We started by watching the dance “Gioca Jouer”, a very funny dance with great moves.

Then, we were divided into groups to… prepare our own pizza!! The first step was to prepare the dow, with flower, water, salt, oil and yeast. Then, on the second activity, we chose our fillings and flavours! There was cheese, pepperoni, zucchini, salami, tuna… And, finally, for dinner, we had… PIZZA!! They all looked and tasted great, it was a day filled with Italy’s best cooking tips!

During activity 2, we also played a little competition about Italian facts and got their creative scrapbooks! Awesome day! Thanks Italy!


16/01 Norway’s National Night

Norway prepared a very different National Night for us! They started with a video about Norway and about themselves, narrated by the kids and edited by the delegation. They also showed us a skit, gave us typical treats and gifts! Awesome! Thanks Norway!!

14/01 Sweden’s National Night

Today’s pictures are from Sweden’s National Night!

The swedish delegation wore beatufil costumes and prepared for us a show in which they sang “Santa Lucia”‘s song and other popular swedish tunes. They also showed us a video about Sweden’s prettiest landscapes and cities.

Later on we played a Bingo Quiz, in which all participants had to answer questions regarding Sweden, and every time a group had a “Bingo!”, it won a Swedish sweet, we had great fun!

After that, the delagation gave everyone their scrapbooks and some souveniers. Thank you Sweden!!

10/01 Australia’s National Night

Today was Aussie’s turn to show us a little bit about their country! The dining hall was decorated with their famous  soccer cheering lines: “Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi”! For desert, they prepared a cake and a whipped cream treat with bananas and apples. Really good!

After that, they showed us two videos: one about the turistical landscapes and wonders of Australia and one which teached us how to play Australian football. So different and interesting! Both videos got everyone really curious to visit Australia!

Then, we were divided into groups to take part in the Australian Quiz! There were a few questions divided into categories, such as music, food, culture and geography. In the end, we all won candies and their scrapbooks! Great night, thanks guys!!

09/01 Argentina’s National Night

Not only a National Night, Argentina had also a National activity prepared for us! Right before snack time, we were divided into groups and the Argentian delegation taught us how to make a delicious desert from their home: chocotorta! Our chocotortas had two differrent layers: one of chocolate cookies dripped in milk and one of their famous “dulce de leche”mixed with cream cheese. We repeated this order four times, which gave us an “8 stories” cake… Delicious!

During dinner, there was something else prepared for us: empanadas!! Everyone loved them so much that we had to share the last pieces… Yum!

At night, the Argentinian presentations began with a classis dance from Buenos Aires, the tango! Then, the girls dressed as “paisanas”and the boys dressed as “gauchos”, typical costumes from Argentina. Then, we all watched a great home made video in which they showed us their city and told us all about their favourite turistical places. We were then divided into groups and played a game in which a paper package was to be passed around the circle while the music was playing. When the music stopped, the person who had the package in their hands had to answer a question about all the info we learned about in the video. If they got it right, they could open one layer of the package and get the treat inside. After that, we got their scrapbooks and souveniers. Awesome day.

Great job Argentina! Thanks!

08/01 Costa Rica’s National Night

Our next National Night was… Costa Rica! With the room beautifully decorated, they started their presentation with a great video about all the amazing places to be visited in Costa Rica and their diversity of fauna, flora and culture. After that, the delegation danced the typical “Punto Guanacasteco”. Awesome!

The next step were the games! We started with the “Tico’s olympics” (four different games such as rope jumping, tied-foot race etc). The environment protection game followed: four adults made a circle and the kids were kept inside. Four hunters had to try to touch the kids inside the circles, and the adults had to protect them. Whoever was touched by the hunters, left the circle and became one too. The Costa Ricans then explained that the circles represented the attempts of their country to protect it’s environment, and the kids inside were their goods who had to be protected. In Costa Rica, hunting is illegal.

And then came the food! We tried “cajetas”, “gallitos”, “tapitas” and “milanos”! Delicious!

This great night ended with the delegations scrapbook and souveniers to everyone! Thanks Costa Rica!