05/01 Activities and Leader’s Night Out

Our activity 1 today was a race between teams! We had adults hiding around the camp site and each one of them had a secret color. Each team had to find the adults and achieve a task before knowing what that base’s color was… The catch here is that each kid’s team had a diferente order of colors to follow, and the leaders would only give them their stamp of achievement if they were the next color on the groups list! The fun tasks and the great feeling of conquering colors and stamps made it a great morning!

During our free time, we all danced a lot to diferente kinds of music. Great fun!

On activity 2, we got to know a little bit more about every countrie’s stereotype descriptions. All the delegations had a big paper of their own and it was passed around through everyone. In the end, they got their paper back and were able to reflect about the true or false stereotypes that all the others had said about them.

At night, the leaders, JCs and staff left the camp for our Leader’s Night Out! But while we were having fun away from camp, the kids were also having a blast here with the special night angels that came to keep them enterteined. They watched a movie, had a chocolate race and even a pool party! Perfect day for everyone!

Pizza Night

Schermata 12-2456291 alle 23.51.38On our last night before the kid’s arrival, we decided to have a little competition… All adults were divided into teams to work their best and cook the best pizza ever!

To judge them, we had the special participation of Ame, the leader from the birth place of pizza: Italy! Also, two surprise judges showed up: Mario, the plummer and Peach, the Princess.

All groups surprised the judges with amazing pizza! The night was a success, regarding both the flavours and the fun 🙂

Kids Welcome Show

Kids Welcome Show

Creativity is essencial for us! That’s why we put our minds together to come up with a special way to welcome the kids on their first moments in camp! If you could get a hint of what we prepared from the picture, great! If not, we’ll have more news coming soon… 😉

Complete adults team!

Complete adults team!

Here’s the first picture of our complete adults team! We had only one and a half day to get everything prepared and perfect for the kids…! A real challenge! But as you must imagine, we all worked very well together and checked everything in our list 🙂 Leader’s preparation weekend was productive and fun!

Leader’s and JC’s Arrival

Hey guys!

Tonight the leaders and JCs arrive and we all start to get to know each other and fix the last details to welcome our kids!

We hope all of the kids are having an awesome time at their host families and can’t wait for them to get here and hear all about it!

We are thrilled to say that our camp will be complete, kicking and rolling in only TWO days!! It’s too much excitement…! See you veeeeeeery SOON!



Heeeeeeello everyone!

The STAFF is super excited to say that tomorrow we are going to the camp site to get everything ready to welcome you in only a couple of days!!

1 day








Besides that, the STAFF wishes you all a Merry Merry Christmas and a safe trip! We CAN’T WAIT to have you here!

merry xmas










Here’s a question for you guys… Did you realize that camp is exactly 30 DAYS AWAY??? I guess we can start a countdown now, right?!

If you are wondering how excited your STAFF is to meet you all, here is your answer!

Ele – http://theuglydance.com/?v=phrnzckgxh

Cleb – http://theuglydance.com/?v=roncizjemk

Ale – http://theuglydance.com/?v=qwdkdvdlpb

BT – http://theuglydance.com/?v=zuryjmhjyg

Lu – http://theuglydance.com/?v=ekuoffocks

See you SOON!!

The Quest continues…

Still no news from our BOX…

This weekend, we took a map of São Paulo and selected the most likely places where the thief could have hidden it.

Now we will divide this places among the six staffs and search for it until we find it! Wish us luck!

We’ll let you know how this search turns out. Meanwhile, help us! Send your suggestions too! Where should we look for it??

Cheers from your hopefull staff…